Embarking on a thesis journey is a great test of our capabilities and understanding within a specific field! It often necessitates acquiring new knowledge and broadening our understanding of many subjects! A thesis project is perhaps one of the most practical applications of the scientific method. It comes with benefits such as enhanced problem-solving and structured thinking skills. However, this journey is not without its challenges. Learning new concepts may trigger resistance, manifesting as procrastination, stress, worry, or anxiety. Feeling overwhelmed is common, particularly when progress seems slow. Patience becomes important as we navigate through the complexities of research.
Initially, I personally experienced the Dunning Kruger effect (described as the overestimation of our abilities) presented in the figure below. Every subject has incredible depth and the lack of understanding of the true depth of a subject creates a sense of overconfidence in our capabilities. In my experience, I had to take a step back to evaluate my understanding and broaden my knowledge in the areas where I was lacking and plan accordingly to complete my objective.
It is also common to experience the 'Imposter syndrome' which is described as doubting one abilities, skills, or accomplishments. I believe that in knowledge-based projects, we have all experienced it to some degree because there is often nothing tangible to which you can evaluate its growth. To avoid this try taking a step back and reflecting on the knowledge and skills you have adquired along the way which I am sure are many!
Overall, completing a thesis is a rewarding project that will test your knowledge and skills, enhance your problem-solving and critical thinking abilities, and improve your ability to structure and tackle challenges. Remenber that during this process it is okay to not know everything. It is more important to be resilient and to not give up.
Good luck!
Post date: 2024-05-15
Last edit: 2024-05-20